Fluffernutter Cookies AKA Peanut Butter Marshmallow Cookies


Fluffernutter Cookies

10 Tips to keep in mind when cooking Fluffernutter Cookies

  1. Use creamy peanut butter: Creamy peanut butter works best for these cookies as it blends smoothly into the dough, providing a rich peanut flavor throughout.

  2. Soften the butter: Make sure to soften the butter before creaming it with the sugars. Softened butter will incorporate more easily into the dough, resulting in a tender texture.

  3. Mix the dough until just combined: Overmixing the dough can lead to tougher cookies. Mix until the ingredients are just incorporated to maintain a soft and chewy texture.

  4. Fold in the marshmallows and peanuts gently: When adding the mini marshmallows and chopped peanuts, fold them into the dough gently to avoid crushing the marshmallows and maintain their shape.

  5. Chill the dough if needed: If the dough becomes too soft to handle or if you prefer thicker cookies, you can chill the dough in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before baking.

  6. Use a cookie scoop or rounded tablespoon: To ensure evenly sized cookies, use a cookie scoop or a rounded tablespoon to portion out the dough onto the baking sheet.

  7. Leave space between cookies: The cookies will spread as they bake, so be sure to leave about 2 inches of space between each cookie to prevent them from merging together.

  8. Adjust baking time to achieve desired texture: If you prefer softer and chewier cookies, reduce the baking time slightly. For crisper cookies, extend the baking time by a minute or two.

  9. Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet: After removing the cookies from the oven, allow them to cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes. This helps them set and prevents them from breaking apart.

  10. Store properly to maintain freshness: Once cooled, store the cookies in an airtight container at room temperature. Adding a slice of bread to the container can help keep them soft and fresh for longer.

Serve it with suggestions

These Peanut Butter Marshmallow Cookies are a delicious treat on their own, but if you'd like to elevate the experience, here are some serving suggestions:

  1. Ice Cream Sandwiches: Make ice cream sandwiches by placing a scoop of your favorite ice cream between two cookies. The combination of creamy ice cream and chewy cookies is simply heavenly.

  2. Milkshakes: Blend the cookies with some vanilla ice cream and milk to create a delightful Peanut Butter Marshmallow Cookie milkshake. Top it with whipped cream and a sprinkle of crushed cookies for an extra indulgence.

  3. Peanut Butter Frosting Dip: Whip up a creamy peanut butter frosting to serve as a dipping sauce for the cookies. The sweet and nutty frosting pairs perfectly with the soft and chewy cookies.

  4. Coffee or Hot Chocolate Pairing: Enjoy the cookies alongside a cup of your favorite coffee or hot chocolate for a cozy and comforting treat. The flavors complement each other beautifully.

  5. Gift or Party Favors: Package the cookies in cute boxes or jars tied with ribbons to give as gifts or party favors. They make a delightful homemade treat that everyone will enjoy.


Q: Can I use chunky peanut butter instead of creamy?
While the recipe calls for creamy peanut butter, you can use chunky peanut butter if you prefer the added texture of peanut pieces in your cookies. Just keep in mind that the texture may be slightly different.

Q: Can I use marshmallow fluff instead of mini marshmallows?
Yes, you can substitute marshmallow fluff for the mini marshmallows. Add dollops of marshmallow fluff to the cookie dough and gently swirl it in for a marbled effect.

Q: Can I omit the chopped peanuts?
Absolutely! If you prefer a nut-free version or simply don't have peanuts on hand, you can omit them from the recipe. The cookies will still be delicious with the peanut butter and marshmallow flavors.

Q: How should I store the cookies?
Store the cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 5 days. You can also freeze the cookies for longer storage. Just make sure to thaw them at room temperature before serving.

Q: Can I double the recipe?
Yes, you can double the recipe if you need to make a larger batch of cookies. Just make sure you have enough baking sheets and oven space to accommodate the doubled amount.

Q: Can I use mini peanut butter cups instead of chopped peanuts?
Absolutely! Using mini peanut butter cups instead of chopped peanuts would add a delightful chocolate and peanut butter twist to the cookies. Simply fold in the mini peanut butter cups gently.

Q: Can I add chocolate chips to the dough?
Of course! If you're a chocolate lover, feel free to add a handful of chocolate chips to the cookie dough along with the mini marshmallows. It will create a delicious combination of flavors.

Q: Can I make the cookies smaller or larger?
Yes, you can adjust the size of the cookies to your preference. For smaller cookies, use a smaller portion of dough, and for larger cookies, use a larger portion. Adjust the baking time accordingly.

Q: Can I use natural peanut butter?
Natural peanut butter can be used in this recipe, but keep in mind that it may affect the texture and flavor of the cookies. Natural peanut butter tends to be runnier and may yield a slightly different result.

Q: Can I substitute the all-purpose flour with a gluten-free flour blend?
Yes, you can try using a gluten-free flour blend as a substitute for all-purpose flour. However, the texture and taste of the cookies may vary slightly. Follow the instructions on the gluten-free flour blend packaging for best results.

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